JAXB Custom Binding for Joda-Time

Java XMLI’m extensively using Joda-Time for handling time in my Java development, client or server side. Joda-Time is the codebase of the coming RI implementation of JSR-310 that will hopefully ship in Java 7.

I often need to work with dates in web services implementations, here is the JAXB custom binding lines I use to un/marshall JodaTime types to standard xs:date and xs:dateTime XML Schema types.

Note : I’m using the RI implementation of JAXB spec bundled in Metro.
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Glassfish, Hibernate and WebServices – WSGEN Classpath

Java XMLFollowing my quick and dirty how-to about using hibernate in glassfish I came across a small pitfall when dealing with metro webservices.

The glassfish’s wsgen classpath on Glassfish is not by domain, ie. the wsgen tool is not run in the domain class-loader.

When trying to deploy a webservice that returns an entity with a hibernate annotation, I got this following error :

Deploy error

Server logs showed the following trace :

        warning: Cannot find annotation method 'value()' in type 'org.hibernate.annotations.Fetch':
        class file for org.hibernate.annotations.Fetch not found
Problem encountered during annotation processing;
see stacktrace below for more information.
        at com.sun.tools.ws.processor.modeler.annotation.WebServiceAP.isSubtype(WebServiceAP.java:360)
        ...... SNIP ......
        at com.sun.enterprise.management.deploy.DeployThread.run(DeployThread.java:223)
error: compilation failed, errors should have been reported
Exception occured in J2EEC Phase
com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException: WSGEN FAILED
        at com.sun.enterprise.webservice.WsUtil.genWSInfo(WsUtil.java:2

Adding the hibernate-annotations.jar file in the glassfish main lib/ directory added the necessary classes to the wsgen classpath.